Friday, October 20, 2006

Henri Nouwen -- a Spirtuality of Peace

Fr. John Dear, SJ, writes a regular column for the National Catholic Reporter on Henri Nouwen. I have long admired Nouwen as a writer, and once heard him speak at Seattle University. In the past I've used his book, The Wounded Healer, as a resource for our parish Camillus group, which does regular pastoral visits with families at nearby Children's Hospital.

I really enjoyed Fr. Dear's column, On the Road to Peace, which touched on various biographical details of Nouwen's life, and on elements of his Spirituality of Peace. Both make for enjoyable reading.

It might inspire further search/research into Nouwen's views on this topic. Nouwen is profound, and I hadn't realized that he'd written on this topic, which is one of the topics that I have strong feelings for. If someone checks this out, I'd love to exchange some thoughts.


At 11:45 PM, Blogger crystal said...

Hi Denny. I like Fr. Dear too and have a couple of his books. BTW, I saw in your profile that you like astronomy - have you read anything by Br. Guy Consolmagno of the Vatican Observatory?

At 5:32 PM, Blogger Deacon Denny said...

Hi, Crystal. Thanks for the note, and the question. No, I haven't read any of his books, but I know who he is, and have read his article about "baptising extraterrestials." His bio sounds like we might have been good friends, had we ever met.

My special interest with astronomy is cosmology, which I think tantalizes one's faith with all kinds of possibilities. I see that you have an interest in science fiction, which I share. Growing up I couldn't get enough SF short stories; now it's mostly novels, when I can find the time.

Thanks for stopping by.



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