Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A Family Wedding!!

Saturday, June 26th, 2010

A perfect day.

My daughter Elizabeth married a great guy named Brad Wilke, on a beautiful summer day in Seattle, late in the afternoon, in our back yard.

At the end of the ceremony, we all raised our hands in blessing, and I offered this:

A Nuptial Blessing

Precious God,
You created us all in your image
And made us to be joined in love
In union of body and heart
So as to fulfill our mission in the world.

Give your blessings to Elizabeth your daughter
So that she may be a good wife and mother,
Caring for the home, faithful in love for her husband,
Generous and kind.

Give your blessings to Brad your son,
So that he may be a good husband and father,
Caring for the home, faithful in love for his wife,
Generous and kind.

Grant them both every good gift.
Make them strong of heart, and wise;
Give them good humor, the ability to laugh well, and celebrate.
Enable them to work hard, and continue to give their lives
In service to life, and the common good of all.

Help them be gentle, patient, and forgiving,
Especially with each other.
May they be grateful every day for their lives, and
Grateful every day that you have given them to each other.

May they live to see their children’s children’s children!
May they grow old in the company of their family and good friends.
And may they reach at last the eternal life and happiness
For which our hearts are made.

We ask this in the name of the Spirit of Love with us today.


Saturday, June 26, 2010


At 11:23 PM, Blogger Deacon Denny said...

It was. I'm so happy for her -- for them both.


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